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Your Paintball Blog

The Hidden Hedgehog – The paintball sniper

The Hidden Hedgehog – The paintball sniper from England One of the most famous snipers in European paintball sport is " The Hidden Hedgehog ", which translates as "the hidden hedgehog". This young man is a player from Great Britain who not only films his adventures on the paintball fields all over Europe, but also […]

MagFed – The new trend in paintball sports

Everything about MAGFED Paintball Many of you will have heard the term MagFed Paintball in recent years. For all those who are not yet familiar with the topic but would like to know more, we would like to report on this new trend in the paintball industry today. Where does MagFed Paintball actually come from? […]

Your Virtue Paintball Shop – Paintball Sports

With Paintball Sports & Virtue Paintball into the 2019 season This year we were at the Extravaganza Paintball Novelty Fair in Washington for you and asked about the latest products for the coming season at the Virtue Paintball booth. Virtue VIO Mask & Spire III Hopper in new color combinations The two prestige products from […]

The DPL season 2019 – The outlook

The preparation is in progress The DPL season 2019 We are currently still in the middle of the winter break, but like every year in the offseason, everyone is busy preparing for the season. As teams plan their rosters, bring on new players, finalize paint and equipment deals, and prepare for their winter and spring […]

The Push Unite Paintball Mask – A detailed report

innovation & design The Push Unite paintball mask The manufacturer Push has been one of the main topics of conversation in the field of paintball masks for the past year. The Push Unite mask was released practically out of nowhere, and it still sets standards in terms of product features, workmanship and innovation to this […]

Event report for the OBS 2019

Europe's largest MagFed event OPERATION BLACKSKY IX – BADLANDS From Friday, April 26th, 2019 to Sunday, April 28th, 2019, the largest MagFed Paintball Game in Europe will take place for the 9th time in Mahlwinkel in East Germany. At the so-called OBS, the best and most experienced MagFed paintball teams and players from over 12 […]

The latest paintball products in the 1st quarter of 2019

Paintball innovations in the 1st quarter of 2019 – NEW at Paintball Sports From now on we will report regularly on the latest paintball products from all well-known manufacturers in our Paintball Sports Newsblog. Stay tuned for what's to see this time! Tippmann SUPER BOLT TechT's new Anti-Chop Bolt The US manufacturer TechT is known […]

Paintball Shop Austria – Paintball Sports

Paintball Sports – Your paintball shop for all of Austria In Germany we are already widely known in the paintball scene. Our neighbors from Austria , on the other hand, don't know us that well. We want to change that today and introduce ourselves to you as apaintball shop for Austria . Of course we […]

Paint Xtreme Paintball Shop – The shop in Waldems

Paint Xtreme – The paintball shop with over 20 years of market experience. Hardly any other provider has been in the paintball business for as long as Lars Herzig and his company Paint Xtreme . The small shop from Waldems in Hesse has specialized in the brands First Strength / Tiberius Arms and DLX Luxe […]

Planet Paintball Shop – The paintball online shop from Berlin

Of course, paintballers in Berlin also know Planet Paintball… Anyone who comes from Berlin and plays paintball will certainly know the Planet Paintball online shop . This is one of the oldest providers in the scene and has been on the market for over 15 years. Planet Paintball started on the eBay sales platform. After […]

Paintball Sports – Your Airsoft specialist shop

Airsoftsports.de – An offer from Paintball Sports GmbH What many do not know, we are not only Germany's leading supplier of paintball sports equipment , but we also offer a large selection of high-quality, up-to-date airsoft products . In addition to airsoft guns, we now also offer you a wide range of accessories and attachments […]

The new Paintball Sports Magazine

Paintball Sports Magazine – Your paintball magazine It is there…!!! Paintball Sports' first own customer magazine. From now on you can expect a new, printed magazine every 3 months under the title PAINTBALL SPORTS MAGAZINE with lots of story, news and stories about paintball. The free Paintball Magazine for all Paintball Sports customers We put […]

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