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Your Paintball Blog

Paintball shops in Berlin – ID Paintball

ID Paintball – One of the largest paintball providers in Berlin The provider ID-Paintball , managed by owner Daniel Roeber , has been one of the leading providers of paintball and airsoft equipment in the Berlin area for years. In today's post we would like to tell you a little more about ID Paintball . […]

MacDev paintball markers available again in Germany

Paintball Sports becomes official MacDev distributor for Germany For a long time it was quiet around the top Australian brand MacDev with its well-known paintball markers Drone and Clone . After a failed two-year business relationship with Virtue, MacDev almost completely withdrew from Germany and large parts of Europe in 2017. After many discussions with […]

Germany's largest paintball shop

2die4 Sports – Your paintball provider from the Westerwald The company 2die4 Sports is one of the long-established paintball providers in Germany. Boss and owner Stefan Maiwald , who is better known in the scene by his nickname Maiwi , has been in the business for over 20 years and knows the industry like no […]

The WoP paintball shop

The new World of Paintball Shop in Bremen The currently only paintball shop in the Bremen area can be found on the WoP – World of Pantball facility. Henner and Kai Wichern have further renovated their facility in recent years and significantly expanded the range. In addition to new and restructured playing fields, a real […]

Jimmy's Paintball Shop in Hildesheim

Battlefields Hildesheim & the Jimmys Paintball Shop The playing field of Jim / Jimmy's in Hildesheim should actually be known to most paintballers from the Hanover region and the rest of Lower Saxony. The facility, which opened in 2017 and is growing very quickly, is one of the most modern and largest in Germany. Since […]

Paintball.de – Planet Eclipse Germany

The Paintball.de online shop becomes PE-Paintball.de A major change took place in the German paintball market as early as 2017. The long-established paintball provider OPM, better known as Paintball.de , became a cooperation with the Planet Eclipse brand. Planet bought its long-term partner and took over its structures in the German warehouse in Düsseldorf. To […]

Co2 capsules for paintball markers & airsoft guns

What types of Co2 cartridges are there in Paintball & SoftAir sports? There are currently 3 common variants of Co2 capsules in paintball and airsoft sports. We would like to give you a brief overview and tell you what you can use the individual models for and what they are capable of. 12g Co2 capsules […]

Maxtact 360 Degree HP Regulator – Optimal for MagFed Paintball

360 degrees of pure freedom – only the new Maxtact HP regulator can offer that! The Maxtact company is known to many from the MagFed Paintball area. There they build the paintball marker models TGROne and TGR2, which are very popular with many players. Since some of the Maxtact paintball markers can only be played […]

PSL – Your paintball shop in Leipzig

Paintball King, or the Paintball Shop Leipzig One of the largest and best-known paintball providers in East Germany is the company Paintball König , or better known as Paintball-Shop-Leipzig.de PSL Paintball is managed by owners Pierre Rötsch and Fabian Hagen . Both have been in the paintball business for many years and know both the […]

Paintball Land Paintball Shop – The online giant from the east

Paintball Land – The big paintball shop from Elsterwerda Today's post about competitors from the paintball scene is about the company RBT , or better known in paintball circles as Paintball-Land.de . Owner and managing director Roy Becker has built up one of the largest and most successful paintball online shops in the German-speaking world […]

X-Days Paintball Fair at Paint Xtreme & Magfed.de

The X-Days – Germany's largest paintball fair Year after year , the large X-Days paintball fair takes place in tranquil Waldems im Taunus. Organizer and Paint Xtreme boss Lars Herzig always invites you to this event on the first weekend in December. Year after year, around 1,000 paintball enthusiasts from all over Germany travel to […]

BunkerKinss introduces its new CMD mask

We bring the new BunkerKings CMD mask to Germany BunkerKings announced its first own paintball mask last weekend. The model will be in the high-end tournament sector and will be marketed under the model name CMD (short for Command). We tell you what the new high-end product from BunkerKings can do and what you can […]

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