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Your Paintball Blog

Paintballsports Magazine – The new issue 02/2021

Here comes the new Paintballsports Magazine Dear readers and fans of Paintballsports Magazin, here comes the 2nd issue of the 2021 season. This time we have a lot of exciting and current topics for you in the magazine. There is also information about the German Paintball League and the latest products for the coming season. […]

The X-Days 2020 were different…

THE PAINTBALL FAIR IN TIMES OF CORONA We already informed you in the last issue that this year's X-Days were going to be completely different than they were in previous years. When the second lockdown started shortly before the trade fair in November and the conditions became tougher for the organizers week by week, the […]

Everything about the new MacDev Prime XTS

MacDev already presented its new flagship, the Prime XTS, at the end of 2019, but due to delays in production and a significantly longer approval period in Germany due to corona, this marker has only been available on the market here in Germany for a few months. We took a closer look at the new […]

The latest paintball products in the 1st quarter of 2021

THE NEW FLAGSHIP – THE MACDEV PRIME XTS The new MacDev marker, the Prime XTS, is finally approved for the German market. Unfortunately, it took a little longer in the Corona year 2020, but now all MacDev fans can look forward to this new gem. The Prime XTS is the current high-end marker model from […]

The big paintball events 2021

In 2021 there will again be a lot of paintball events on the program. We talked to the organizers of the individual tournaments and events and wanted to know from them what had changed compared to the previous year, what effects there may still be from the previous year, whether the dates have already been […]

Inside Planet Eclipse

Our new series of articles "Paintball Manufacturers" is about the big brands in the scene. We take a look behind the scenes of the world's top brands and show you how they came about and how modern companies in the paintball industry work today. To do this, we visit the manufacturers at their locations and […]


In 2021 we will continue our Spielfeldcheck series of articles. In every issue we visit a field for you and make a detailed report in which we inform you about the key data of the field and the special features of the individual systems. This time we went to one of the largest facilities in […]

WOP tests the new FID Magazines

The new FID Magazine in the WOP product test The World of Paintball team, above all the brothers Kai and Henner, is probably known to many of you from their YouTube channel. The two field and shop operators have been making videos about the sport on their channel for several months, in which they put […]

The new 4th generation Carmatech SAR12c

Carmatech improves its SAR12 again… The manufacturer Carmatech is best known for its SAR12, which is currently probably the best paintball sniper rifle on the market. There is now generation four of the SAR12. This comes with some visual changes and also has more to offer in terms of performance than the previous models. In […]

The X-Days Outdoor Paintball Fair 2020

THE PAINTBALL FAIR 2020 – X-DAYS, BUT DIFFERENT THIS TIME Also this year the December highlight of the paintball scene is clearly the X-Days. This year, however, the fair is going through a few changes due to Corona and a change of location by the organizer Paint Xtreme. We spoke in advance with X-Days organizer […]

Event report from scenario Big Game – September 2020

THE SOMETHING DIFFERENT BIG GAME – SCENARIO BIG GAME 2020 As soon as you drive to the Battlegrounds site, you can feel the special appeal of this playing field in Poland, just behind the German border. Over ancient cobblestones – which were probably already there when there were only horse-drawn carriages for locomotion – laboriously […]

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