
The new BunkerKings CMD Command Paintball Mask

The Swedish paintball professional Maximus Lundquist is the face of the Bunkerkings brand and was instrumental in the development of the new CMD paintball mask .

Bunkerkings itself publicly asks the question - why develop and market another paintball mask?

Bunkerkings provides the answer with hard facts and a really high-quality and very professional product that is specially designed to meet the needs of today's high-end paintball tournament sport .

What is special about the BunkerKings CMD mask?

The focus of the Command mask is clearly on ventilation and communication. The experienced professional paintballer Max Lundquist , who has personally played and tested pretty much every paintball mask in the world, has revealed significant potential for improvement in this area and has incorporated his experiences and impressions of recent years into the development of the CMD mask.

Many paintball masks currently available on the market are already of very high quality and user-friendly in terms of workmanship and design, but when it comes to top-class sports, where you play at a high and very strenuous level even in the most unfavorable weather conditions such as rain, cold or extreme heat, then you just need a mask that works a step more advanced and better. This is exactly where the Bunkerkings Command Mask comes in. The air slits in the frame of the mask are designed in such a way that maximum air circulation is guaranteed. This not only makes it easier to breathe under the mask, it also prevents the mask glass from fogging up much better. In addition, the frame absorbs fewer sound waves, which improves communication on the pitch. The result is a high-end product that is specifically designed for use in professional paintball sports.

The CMD mask is compatible with Virtue glasses!

The special thing about the Command mask from Bunkerkings is that it is compatible with all Virtue VIO mask glasses . If you already have a Virtue VIO mask with different lenses, you can simply take them over for your new BunkerKings CMD mask and use them there as well.