Scenario clothing
Paintball clothing for Woodland & Scenario players
There is also suitable clothing and equipment in a wide variety of camo colors for tactical paintballers. If you are looking for a Woodland Camo Paintball Jersey or a scenario Camo Paintball Pants , you will find it with brands like Dye, Valken or Planet Eclipse. A complete paintball scenario outfit usually consists of woodland trousers, a paintball vest , tactical gloves and paintball-compatible scenario headgear such as a helmet or a paintball mask in camouflage colors .
At Paintball Sports you get the complete selection of suitable clothing for your paintball game, including Paintball Woodland Battlepacks and Paintball Scenario Vests for carrying additional paintball balls, accessories and attachments.
What should I consider when buying paintball scenario clothing?
We always recommend paying attention to a camo pattern that is as individual as possible and can be used on the widest possible terrain. With paintball woodland pants, the player should pay attention to a durable material and good workmanship. For example, we recommend the Spec-Ops paintball clothing. These trousers have a sturdy fabric with reinforced fabric and extra padding in the knee area. The Dye Tactical Paintball Pants go one step further and offer fixed plastic kneepads on the pants. Painful bruises or injuries are definitely a thing of the past.
Since Woodland paintball sport is generally a bit rougher and the terrain puts much more strain on both the player and the paintball equipment, when buying Painball Woodland gloves and all other items of clothing you should place more value on solid material, good quality and function than on the price. And a good product is much more durable and offers the player a lot of advantages.