Smart Parts Freak XL All Condition Performance "ACP" barrel front 14" total length (black)

SKU: 3299


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Product description

Smart Parts Freak XL All Condition Performance "ACP" barrel front

The Freak XL ACP barrel combines the Freak XL features with a completely new front design, designed for the toughest field conditions. On the outside, 4 straight rows of holes ensure even pressure of air on the paintball, with a smooth transition from acceleration to free flight. Inside the ACP front, 16 straight rows of fields and trains (depressions) ensure the transport of the paintballs.

Instead of setting the paintball in rotation through a spiral movement, the straight lines along the front counteract the most adverse conditions, especially bad weather. After the paintball has been accelerated through the 8" sleeve of the XL Freak Back, the paintball slides out of the barrel practically like it's on rails. Mud, dirt, paint or rain is successfully displaced instead of sticking between the paintball shell and the inside of the barrel, which otherwise has a negative impact on the flight characteristics and, in the worst case, leads to broken paint in the barrel.

Attention: The front only fits the Freak XL backs!

Length: 14"

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