NICO 80 Second Paintball Smoke Grenade (Green)

SKU: 6100
ab 5 Artikel
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ab 15 Artikel


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Product description

NICO 80 second paintball smoke grenade

Nico's incense bodies produce a dense colored smoke that exits from an opening. The burn time is about 80 seconds.

These smoke grenades are the perfect tool for all paintball & airsoft athletes! They offer protection, confuse opponents and send signals to their own teammates. Smoke bodies are also used in police and fire brigade simulation exercises.

Tip: Great picture and video effects can also be achieved with the smoke items from NICO! NICO Smoke is the best tool for photographers to implement creative ideas.

Note: Not for entertainment & amusement purposes. Category P1 pyrotechnic objects are NOT New Year's Eve fireworks. Intended use: paintball, airsoft, leak test/exhaust air test, simulation, signal generator and training.

Category: CAT P1

with breakaway detonator (ring and wire)

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