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WOP tests the new FID Magazines

Tuesday December 22, 2020

The new FID Magazine in the WOP product test

The World of Paintball team, above all the brothers Kai and Henner, is probably known to many of you from their YouTube channel. The two field and shop operators have been making videos about the sport on their channel for several months, in which they put new products through their paces, among other things.

This time it's the brand new Flint Instrument Design – FID Magazine. In the latest video, Henner explains what the new Dye DAM and EMF100 magazines can do and what teething problems the 1.0 version unfortunately still has. Fortunately, Henner and his team also have a solution ready and not only explain how to fix the small mistakes of the first batch in a few simple steps, but he also shows you a few interesting upgrade and tuning options for the FID magazine.

For all FID Magazine players, this video contains around 20 minutes of information that is not only worth seeing, but really interesting. Have fun watching.

Click here for the FID video of the Weekend Worrior YouTube channel

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