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The new Luxe TM40 in the product test

Tuesday October 19, 2021


Since the appearance of the first Luxe marker model in 2007, the DLX Luxe brand has stood for the absolute measure of all things in terms of high-end performance, design and prestige. No other paintball marker combines design and function with such a cult status as the Luxe. For several years now, GoG has been working on a successor to continue the Luxe marker series. This endeavor was of course also slowed down by Corona, but above all by the sudden and tragic death of long-time DLX Luxe employee and co-developer Tim Montressor. He not only helped to develop the new Luxe TM40 , but ultimately also gave it its name. We had the opportunity to take a closer look at the new Luxe flagship and in today's article we want to show you which masterpiece of paintball marker production you can look forward to.

For about three years it has been quiet around DLX and their high-end paintball marker, the Luxe. There were several reasons for this. On the one hand, of course, the Corona crisis, which not only brought the entire industry to a standstill, but also resulted in lasting financial and structural changes and will continue to do so. Another decisive and above all very tragic factor in this case was the unexpected and sudden death of the US Pro player and longtime GoG / DLX Luxe employee Tim Montressor. He passed away in June 2020, leaving not only a large human gap, but also a vacuum in the development team around the new Luxe. After the Luxe development team had gathered again, a consensus was formed relatively quickly that Tim should be honored and remembered with the new Luxe. So it was only logical that the new Luxe would bear his abbreviation and player number. The TM40.

Now that we have first illuminated the very moving background story of this new marker, we now finally come to today's product test. We got our hands on the TM40 before it was launched and tested it for you. Let's start with the most obvious, the look of the marker. The first thing that strikes you here is that you don't really notice that much… Visually, the TM40 has remained very close to the previous model. The timeless and very minimalist milling of the Luxe X body was very popular with the players across the board and so there was apparently no reason for the manufacturer to change anything. Players who want a new gun to be clearly recognizable as such may well be bothered by this, but personally we already liked the look of the Luxe X very much. Accordingly, we also like the look of the TM40.

No major changes were made to the TM40 in the area of the marker body either. The eye cover, the front handle, the ASA and the front regulator, including the inner workings, correspond one to one to the previous model. External changes were only made in the area of the grip panels. They have a slightly more ergonomic shape than their predecessors and offer even more protection against the ingress of water, as they are more flush with the handle. Of course, the new handle scales are toolless again and can be removed without tools. On the outside, only the Trigger Guard has changed. This has become more rounded and now merges optically much softer into the entire body design of the Luxe. The true differences between the Luxe X and the new Luxe TM40 only become clear when you take a look inside. After removing the handle, which works the same as with the Luxe X, you get to the solenoid. The quick release system already known from the Shocker AMP was installed here. The solenoid can now also be separated or removed without tools. In terms of serviceability, the Luxe X is years ahead of the competition.

The tool-less removable solenoid is an important factor in the possible mechanical conversions of the TM40. It is the first Luxe that can also be made into a purely mechanical marker if you wish. This means that you can finally play Luxe in old-school mechanical tournaments in accordance with the rules. If you are the first to think "What do I need that for?", we should tell you that the US market is usually three to five years ahead of our market here in Germany. In the USA, so-called mechanical paintball has been played again for several years. The path of the scene goes a bit far back to the beginnings, when markers just couldn't fire 20 to 30 shots per second, but you shot paintballs around your ears with mechanically triggered three to seven BPS. Many older players, but also the younger generation, welcome this step and find the game much more relaxed and therefore more interesting. It is currently still questionable whether the mechanical trend will also prevail in Germany and Europe, but we are also seeing more and more mechanical tournaments here in this country. Maybe it's all just a matter of time. The appropriate markers would then definitely be available.

But now back to the actual topic, namely the technical changes inside the Luxe TM40.

What is hardly noticeable visually, but can be felt well, is a small edge in the upper, inner body where the bolt is inserted. The manufacturer has removed material inside the housing and thus increased the volume chamber around the bolt a little further. More volume means less working pressure and therefore a softer working of the marker. So the performance screw has been turned again and the performance data of the Luxe has been further improved. Expressed in numbers, the manufacturer is talking about a working pressure that has been reduced by approx. 10 PSI, which corresponds to approx. 0.65 bar less pressure. That may not sound like much at first, but in a high-performance paintball marker it is worlds.

Finally, we want to talk about the bolt of the TM40. Visually, this too has changed little compared to the previous version. On closer inspection, however, one notices a hole on the side of the bolt housing, below the hinged end cap. This is a so-called QEV (Quick-Exhaust-Valve), i.e. a quick exhaust valve. This has no function with the normal TM40 as a tournament version. The QEV is only used when converting to the mechanical functioning of the marker. Inside the bolt, a few minor changes have also been made to the air ducts and the milling of the components. Here, too, some additional volume could be gained and at the same time weight could be saved by removing material.

Our conclusion about the new Luxe TM40 is definitely a positive one, because the new model is an innovative further development that has a lot to offer in terms of both weight and performance and is superior to its predecessor. The focus of the innovation with the TM40 is clearly on the possible conversion of the Luxe from an electric pneumatic to a mechanical marker. However, since this feature is not nearly as popular in this country as it is in the USA and the perspective for a developing mechanical scene is not really given today, we cannot be too happy about it at this point, because the absolute benefit is simply missing. But the fact is, the Luxe TM40 is definitely a mature and worthy successor to the Luxe X and goes one better in terms of power and performance.

If you are a luxe player and want even more power and performance, or if you are a fan of the mechanical trend, you should definitely grab one of the new TM40 models. But if you don't necessarily value the mechanical upgrade and have rarely had air or performance problems with your Luxe X, you don't necessarily have to make the leap to the new model this time. In the end, of course, this decision is up to each player. As far as our product test for the new Luxe TM40. We wish all Luxe players a lot of fun with the new model.

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