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The new AR-Tactical Paintball grenade launcher
Thursday April 25, 2019

AR-Tactical 40mm – The cheap paintball grenade launcher

With the AR-Tactical Grenade Launcher in Cal. 40mm, a high-quality yet inexpensive model is finally available on the market that is also extremely easy to use. We explain to you what this new product is all about, which can be used in both paintball and airsoft sports.

Why is the AR-Tactical grenade launcher so cheap?

The answer is obvious. The design is kept simple and functional. Optical highlights or special functions were deliberately avoided. The grenade launcher is made entirely of metal and consists of a few simple components. The trigger mechanism is also comparatively simple. A simple push of the button at the rear of the grenade launcher triggers the internal grenade.

What ammunition can I shoot with the AR-Tactical Airsoft grenade launcher?

This question is answered quickly. The AR-Tactical grenade launcher can shoot all40mm grenades that are available on the market without exception. Optionally, the user can shoot 40mm paintball grenades , for example, or Airsoft Shower BB grenades . The popular Taginn Airsoft grenades can of course also be fired with these models using the Taginn grenade cases.

Which is the best airsoft grenade launcher?

There is no clear answer to that. It always depends on the area of application. Most 40mm grenade launchers can all do the same thing and can be used for both paintball games and airsoft sports . Exceptions are, for example, double-barreled grenade launchers or 6-barrel launchers with drum magazines . These offer significantly more firepower. So if you want to go into battle as a heavy gunner or grenadier, for example, you should get one of the models mentioned for this purpose. This means that significantly more grenades can be fired at shorter intervals.

If you now feel like buying a grenade launcher for your airsoft game or the next paintball match, then take a look at our online shop. In our large shop for grenade launchers you will find a wide selection of all common models. There is sure to be the right one for you.

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