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The DPL in Corona times – Season Update 2020
Tuesday June 2, 2020


The German Paintball League also had to react to current events and postponed this year's start of the season to July 6th, 2020. The DPL is thus following the instructions of the federal government. We spoke to DPL spokesman Sven Reimann and asked him for an official statement.

"The most important thing right now is to keep calm," Sven tells us. Those responsible for the DPL have been sitting together for days and have already decided on the first measures to not only "save" the current season, but to really let the entire league operation of a season take place. In the first step, it was decided to postpone the first matchday to the end of the season. So he is not simply canceled, but will be made up for later in the year. According to current planning, that would be from mid-September to October.

There is also an official statement from the DPL that was published a few days ago on the internet and social media. (see right page). Since the DPL cannot say how things related to the corona virus will develop further, all information and plans are based on the information and facts currently available. It is currently assumed that the current state of emergency will be over in about 6 weeks and that the season can then start on time for the second matchday. All data has already been updated on the official DPL website (www.DPL-Online.de), so that everyone can see the latest data there. Meanwhile, the anticipation of the teams and players seems unbroken. As of today, a total of 294 teams have registered for the season, which speaks for a strong tournament season. So let's all keep our fingers crossed that normality will return soon and that we will all have a great tournament season in 2020.

DPL Statement Corona

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