Buying cheap and good paintballs at the same time is not easy. In order to get good and cheap paintballs, you first have to understand the different paintball names. We explain the different cheap options to you.
These paintballs are, so to speak, second-choice Gotcha ammunition. In these paintball boxes you will mainly find leftovers from old paint or overproduction, which were no longer enough for whole boxes and pallets and are therefore mixed up. So it can happen that in addition to misshapen paintballs, balls with bumps and dents can also be found in a box. There is also no fixed assignment in terms of quality, you will find all quality levels packed in the same bag of paintballs. Such boxes are hardly offered anymore these days.
White box paintballs are cheaper in price because they are packed in a neutral box. No one can determine, not even us as a retailer, which paintball manufacturer produced the gelatine balls filled with food coloring. These are usually remainders or overproduction. As a player, you have to consider whether the low price for the white box paintballs is actually worth it for you, because when you buy this paintball ammunition you have to expect changing quality. It is possible that a high-quality tournament paint will be waiting in the box one day, and a second-class training paint the next time.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced paintball player, the training paintballs are always very popular. These paintballs are not only popular because of their low price, the consistency of the gelatin balls is also unique and suitable for paintball markers from different manufacturers. Every well-known paintball manufacturer offers a field paint. This is usually suitable for all common types of markers, has a hard shell and a thin filling. Training and field paintballs often contain oil, which makes them cheap but also makes it difficult to clean playing fields, clothing and equipment. This should definitely be considered when purchasing.