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Tuesday March 4, 2025

Welcome to a new product test. This time with a real highlight for all MagFed and scenario fans. We were very lucky to get our hands on the brand new Carmatech SAR-X long before the official launch. Of course, we immediately took advantage of this opportunity to see what the new bullpup rifle can do. The SAR-X is a really interesting model that has a lot of great features and will find its fans especially in the CQB area. But the best thing to do is read it yourself, let's start with the Carmatech SAR-X product test.


The US brand Carmatech was founded in 2010 by current CEO David Williams and set itself the task of producing the most precise paintball markers in the world. The SAR-12 sniper rifle was way ahead of its time and enabled players to achieve precise hits at distances of up to 100 meters and more using First Strike paintballs. The myth of the Carmatech brand was born. The next step was to expand the product range with a few unique and innovative products that were designed to get even more performance out of the existing SAR-12 model. These included the Carmatech Supremacy Scope, which is specially designed for the bullet ballistics of First Strike paintballs and where you simply have to bring the opponent's head and the circle in the target reticle over one another and you are guaranteed to always hit your target. A great invention and to this day by far the best and most accurate sight for all paintball snipers.

The next step was to focus on the barrel. The first SAR-12 markers were still delivered with hammerhead barrels, with grooves and fields. Then came the Carmatech Nemesis barrel. A new type of paintball barrel with grooves and fields that extend inwards into the barrel and practically cut into the bullet. The result was a barrel that allowed bullet rotations that were almost twice as high as those of all other competitors on the market. Once again, Carmatech was several steps ahead of the competition with the performance of its product. To this day, the Carmatech Nemesis barrels are among the best and most accurate barrels for paintball snipers who like to fire first strike ammunition at long distances and with extreme precision.

Then things quietened down for a few years around the Carmatech brand. The products worked well and there was no need for new products or further improvements. Until suddenly there were inquiries from the law enforcement sector. They were looking for a compact bullpup training weapon that offers precision, resilience and performance in military quality. This inquiry did not come from the USA, but from Europe. Anyone who knows a little about the subject knows that many armies in Europe use bullpup weapon models. These include the French, Belgian and English armies. However, in different models and designs. Carmatech presented its SAR-X to those responsible and was awarded the contract after extensive tests and comparisons. So the SAR-X concept was finally implemented and a new paintball marker, which is actually a military training weapon, was created. But now let's get to the marker itself. What is the SAR-X, many people will ask. In principle, you have an ultra-compact SAR-12 in your hand. The housing is made of a fiber-reinforced polymer, similar to the housing of the DYE Rotor. This makes the housing impact-resistant and resistant to external weather influences, heat and cold. Inside is the standard housing of the Carmatech SAR-12. The body, the bolt, albeit in the semi-automatic version and otherwise the same trigger mechanism, the same low pressure regulator and the marker also uses the latest generation 21-shot Blackjack magazines, as already known from the SAR-12.

The setup is complemented by a 10"/13" Carmatech Nemesis barrel, which ensures the necessary precision. The air system, which supplies the marker with compressed air, has been integrated under the barrel to save space and runs seamlessly into the marker's handle. As with all bullpup weapons, the magazine is located behind the grip, between the trigger and the shoulder rest. This compact design means that the entire marker, from the tip of the barrel to the shoulder rest, is only about 60 centimeters long. Nevertheless, it offers the same precision as a Carmatech SAR-12 with the same 10"/13" barrel. The compact setup sits well and is balanced in the hand. Quick turns and changing hands are easy and you can operate excellently even in very tight spaces and are practically always ready to fire. – This would definitely not be possible with a bulky long gun. Like the SAR-12, the SAR-X is anything but a bargain. The markers are made by hand in small series in the USA and have unique features. This is reflected in the price and so interested SAR-X customers have to put around 1600 euros on the table for the basic version of the marker. This contains the marker including barrel and two of the 18-shot Blackjack magazines, as well as a few accessories, that's it. A hefty price, but for that you get a really high-quality, well thought-out and powerful marker that certainly not everyone plays. Definitely something for Carmatech fans, bullpup lovers and of course all MagFed players who are looking for a very special marker.

The SAR-X is currently being approved for the German market and is expected to be available in late summer 2024. Interested players can pre-order the model now from their trusted retailer and then hopefully be one of the first to get their hands on the brand new Caramtech SAR-X.

Interesting background information…


The SAR-X version for the military works with slightly modified magazines and a minimally changed bolt diameter. What very few people know and what has unfortunately not yet been made public is that Carmatech has also developed its own precision bullet in the last decade. We write decade because Carmatech CEO and founder David Williams gave us personal insights into the development of the bullets in an interview and mentioned that he has been researching and testing these projectiles for over ten years. The Carmatech Nemesis barrels, for example, were originally developed and patented specifically for these new bullets. Compatibility with First Strike paintballs is practically a free benefit for the civilian market and paintball players. Carmatech actually needs the special grooves and fields in the barrel to stabilize its own bullets in flight, which, unlike FS, do not have rotated fins. Tests have shown that these bullets are 10-15% more powerful than First Strike paintballs in terms of range and precision. Unfortunately, Carmatech was not able or willing to tell us if and when these special bullets will ever be available for the paintball market, so we will just have to wait and see.

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