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Paintball Sports Magazine – Issue 3 / 2019
Monday June 24, 2019

Paintball Sports Magazine Issue 03/2019 – Available from July!

Dear paintball players all over Germany. Even in the hot summer months there is a lot happening in paintball and there is also a lot of news and interesting information. Our editors are currently working feverishly on the layout of the third issue of Paintball Sports Magazine .

The new issue will be available from the beginning of July . The third edition is of course also completely free for you. As always, you can get the booklet in our shop or with every order in the online shop.

The topics in the third volume

In the latest issue, we report on the Euro Big Game 2019 and the Operation Blacksky Event, among other things. There is also a detailed product report on the brand new EMEK MG100 , an interview with pro player Ryan Greenspan and everything about the current standings in the league .

We wish all readers and fans of Paintball Sports Magazine a lot of fun with the new issue. See you soon.

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