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Paintball Sports Live Shopping & Teleshopping Offers
Tuesday April 14, 2020

The new paintball teleshopping experience with Paintball Sports

We've been thinking for a while about how we can bring some fresh air into paintball shopping. The topic of paintball live stream has been on the agenda for more than a year thanks to Paintballsports Magazine . More and more customers have asked us in the streams for product information , delivery times and purchase advice tips . This made us think further about the topic. The result was the idea of developing a real paintball teleshopping experience . We want to bring you the full quality of advice and the shopping experience at Paintball Sports into your living room at home.

Of course, the current Corona crisis has also played its part. After all, business is currently a little quieter than usual and this also gives us the opportunity to implement new projects for which we unfortunately did not have the time in the past. In the past, we had also started a survey on social media on the subject of live shopping and were surprised that this post was so well received in the scene with around 80% approval and several hundred votes. For these reasons, the topic of paintball live stream or paintball live shopping was at the top of the list of projects that we would like to implement together with you.


The dates for the next stream and the link to tune in can always be found on our Facebook page.

What is special about paintball sports live shopping?

First and foremost, what is special is that we are trying something here that has never existed in paintball before. In the past, many providers have already reported from the premises of their shops or offices with statements or the like, but so far there has not been a real live shopping experience from all teleshopping channels. We would now like to change that. Our format provides for an hour of airtime in which we are all alone out there for you. We answer customers' questions in the stream, give tips on equipment and provide active purchase advice for products that customers can then order directly in the online shop. This offer is aimed specifically at everyone who, for whatever reason, cannot make it to our store. German-speaking customers from all over Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the rest of the world should be able to enjoy professional basketball sports purchase advice without having to leave their living room at home. A real teleshopping experience.

Special liver shopping offers! – Only in Paintball Sports Teleshopping

There will be very special offers for all viewers during the live stream, which they can only order during the current broadcast . This is also part of the feeling of a real teleshopping offer and should not be missing from us. As in real teleshopping on TV, the offer is extremely good, but limited. When it's gone, it's gone, so stay tuned and don't miss the next show or offer.

So look forward with us to an exciting show and several changing offers over the course of the entire broadcasting time. We are very excited to see how this new format will be accepted by you as a customer and are already looking forward to our first live broadcast.

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