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Paintball paintballs from the Dye brand – what's new?
Monday November 13, 2017

Color balls from Dye – Yes, they really still exist.

We are often asked by customers when we can finally deliver the well-known and very popular Dye CG Paint again. Unfortunately, the answer to this is quite sobering, because we don't know it ourselves. As one of the largest paintball online shops in Germany, we are in regular contact with the major manufacturers, but Dye unfortunately keeps a very low profile when it comes to the Dye CG paintballs.

If you're wondering "huh, what is Dye CG Paint?" he's probably not a tournament player, or he's relatively new to the scene. At this point, let's just jump back a few years to explain. At that time, brands like DXS Hellfire and Empire RPS Evil were the undisputed number one in the field of high-end tournament paint. But then came Dye…

Practically overnight, with the new Dye CG Paint, there was suddenly a tournament ball on the mat that had never existed before. The shell was deep dark purple, the filling screaming yellow and the flight behavior was so damn good that almost all players were convinced of this new paint by the end of the first season. Those who were not allowed to play Dye CG in the current season due to a contract or sponsor were often left behind on the field.

Unfortunately, the era of Dye paintball ammunition ended as quickly as it came. Dye had built his own factory for the production of the formula, which is still strictly secret to this day. However, the enormous effort and the costs behind it had obviously been misjudged. In addition, there was the extremely high standard in terms of quality and workmanship, which not only Dye, but also the customers, had for these paintballs. Ultimately, all of this could no longer be implemented within a cost-covering framework and so it happened that the Dye CG Paint had completely disappeared from the market after just under 3 years.

Players from all over the world are still mourning these paintballs and ask again and again for a new edition and when we as a dealer can finally deliver more.

What hardly anyone knows, Dye still makes paintballs..

And that brings us finally back to the main part of our story. What few people know is that Dye still produces paintballs. For example, the Proto brand belongs to Dye. The Proto Paintballs are available in a total of 5 different types, which you can of course also find in our online shop.

There is also a special edition of the Dye Paint, which probably only the tournament players know. The so-called Dye Bluebox paintballs are high-end tournament paintballs that have been manufactured according to the latest standards and tournament rules. Quasi the indirect successor to the popular Dye CG Paintballs. These Dye Blue Box Paintballs are always made extra fresh for tournaments like the NXL or the European Millenium Series. Inside is a very brittle tournament ball with a metallic orange shell and a viscous, creamy yellow filling. Ideal for tournament players.

Whenever a tournament is over, dealers, courts and teams can buy up what's left of fresh paintballs and we do that for you. So even the normal paintballer can now and then enjoy being able to shoot the latest high-end paint from Dye. Since we cannot always guarantee availability, we recommend that you always have a small supply.

What does the future of Dye Painballs look like?

Unfortunately, we don't know any more details either. Of course, we still hope for a revival of the original Dye CG Paintballs , albeit with an adapted color scheme for the current tournament standard.

As I said, as a player you can make do with the numerous new types of Dye and Proto for that long and you are guaranteed to get a top paintball at a fair price here too.

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