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Paintball Operations – Your new paintball area

Wednesday January 4, 2017

Something is happening in Bremen. The former Matchballz Paintball Area Achim becomes Paintball Operations Bremen , the new and large Paintball Action Park with a breathtaking atmosphere – also off the field. The new playing field concept is based on computer game classics such as Half-Life and Counterstrike. You find yourself in a computer game simulation, on a mission to save the world. You plunge into epic battles with your opponents.

Paintball Outdoor Park Bremen

The design of the facility already casts a spell over the player at the entrance, where he is greeted by an action figure over two meters tall. Numerous gimmicks and elements on the facility make a visit away from the paintball field a real experience. We particularly liked a health station based on the original from the game Half-Life. It even has a real function. When you press the button to charge your energy, the device starts to glow and bubble like in the game. Really cool!!!

Play paintball – Cheaper than ever!

Not only the game concept is new, the prices have also decreased significantly. Paintball Operations Bremen lures players to its facility during the week at a bargain price of just 15 euros per person . On the weekends and in the season there are also numerous offers and specials that make a visit an absolute experience. Currently running e.g. B. an action with which you can drop by every Sunday for only 19 euros per person including complete equipment and 200 paintball balls to play. As in the real game, you can reload ammunition by buying additional paintball balls or equipping yourself with smoke bombs and paint grenades for the next mission.

Indoor Paintball Bremen

Even in bad weather you can have a lot of fun on the facility. Paintball Operations Bremen has 2 playing fields, one of which is a hall with over 1800 square meters. This means that you can play paintball with your friends here even in winter, when it's raining and late at night when it's already dark outside.

Our conclusion, this facility is worth a visit…

We took a look at the new concept and can make a very clear recommendation. Good service, nice employees and a great overall concept that also captivates the player off the pitch and leaves a lasting impression. For us clearly THE new paintball area in Bremen .

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