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News from the German Paintball League
Tuesday June 4, 2019

LIGA PAINTBALL CURRENT – Everything about DPL & Co

Six weeks before the start of the season, the DPL has already registered around 300 teams in its ranks. This is again a number of teams that is certainly unparalleled, which is true not only on a national but also on an international level. Again, the DPL is the world's largest national league and efforts continue to grow.

As already presented in the last magazine, there is a large team promotion program this year, for example, which is to be further expanded and optimized over time. As part of this, you will find the DPL showcases on a large number of playing fields, which are primarily aimed at beginners in order to pave the way for the easiest possible start in the league. Currently, these showcases are not only located at the venues, but on almost 40 pitches throughout Germany. The number of participating training and partner fields continues to grow. If your training field is also interested in becoming an official DPL training field, please contact the DPL. According to Sven Reimann, who we briefly introduced to you in the last magazine, these showcases and the first approaches to the team development program are well received on the fields and also by the players. The whole thing is certainly not yet 100% mature, but a start has been made. And the DPL wants to do more in this direction.

So something is not only done for newcomers, but also for players who are already in the league circus. In order to raise the level of performance to a new level, more pro schools will be offered again this year. As I said, the whole thing is aimed at already active players at completely different levels of performance. For example, it is important to know that the designation Pro School should not deter you. Even if the selection of pros is quite mixed, all players can look back on many years of experience in the highest national and international leagues.

The players who act as tutors here aim to help you and share their experiences, which they are happy to do and are guaranteed to be able to.

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