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Meet the Teams – Dortmund SHOOTING.
Wednesday November 9, 2022

Meet the Teams – Dortmund SHOOTING.

Also in 2022 we have a new series of articles for you in the issue. This time we are dealing with some of the most famous and traditional German paintball teams of recent years. We introduce you to the team and its players, their career and sporting successes. In this issue we have the still young team BALLERN. from Dortmund. Jens Hilbrands, aka Sumo, was available for our interview. He is the coach of the team and tells us how the boys got together and where the journey should go…

As already mentioned, the Dortmund team BALLERN . newly established this season. The team is not necessarily steeped in tradition, but everyone is talking about it at the moment. We wanted to know exactly how the team came about, who the faces, partners and sponsors are behind BALLERN. are and what we can expect from this team in the future.

A look at the team roster reveals a lot of potential and quality. Many of the players are already known from other German pro squads in recent years. After our interest was aroused, we wanted to know more and met Jens Hilbrands for an interview for this purpose. Jens, who is probably better known to most in the scene by his nickname Sumo, has been one of the most well-known faces in the German paintball tournament scene for almost 20 years. He used to be an active player himself and later became even more successful as a coach. The Dwerkaten Aguafiestas and then Team Kansas Killzone were his home for many years, until the upheaval last year…

PBS Magazine: Hello Sumo, thank you for taking the time for our interview today. Let's just start at the beginning. First of all, please tell us how you shoot. came and what exactly your tasks are in the team.

Sumo: Hello. I would say BALLERN to Dortmund. I came like a virgin to a child. My old team, Kansas Killzone, wanted to leave the Bundesliga, and that was my plan at first. But after a winter on the couch with Netflix and tea, I came to the realization that I personally wasn't done with Bundesliga paintball. So the question arose how to proceed for me, after that everything happened pretty quickly. My tasks in the team are, in addition to coaching, the organization of training and matchdays and I also help out with technical problems when a gun needs to be repaired. Everything that needs to be done to keep a team running.


PBS Magazin: Your team is practically still very young. What is the idea for the BALLERN team. came about and when did you get together as a team?

Sumo: Yes, the team itself is fresh out of the ground. The idea came about when I was looking for a Bundesliga spot. Coincidentally, Heini, aka Bastian Heinrichsmeier, radioed me and offered me the Sandbaggers spot. From then on, the whole thing was actually a sure-fire success. A bit of brainstorming, a couple of phone calls and almost two weeks later we almost had the team together as it is now. Finding a name was the smallest problem. SHOOT. actually explains itself!!! In the same breath, there was a collaboration with ME and DLX, as the German Luxe Powerhouse Team. However, most of the players have been involved in one way or another. We have a good mix of guys who haven't been on the ball that long but bring motivation with them, and experienced guys who are still keen on paintball.

PBS Magazine: So you're kind of BALLERN. Factory Team, is that how you understand it? What exactly is BALLERN.? The brand is now well known in the German tournament scene, but who is behind it and what does this brand stand for?

Sumo: That's right, we're the BALLERN. factory team!! Inventor and founder of the brand is Heini. The idea behind BALLERN. was a new brand from Germany for the German scene. No matter if XBALL, 10 men, BigGame whatever. SHOOT. is for EVERYONE!! Without much talk, but with a lot of lifestyle and fun. Just be curious about the next few months, there will still be a lot going on. Anyone interested in the further development of the team can also take a look at @ballern_de on Instagram.

PBS Magazin: Thank you for all the information about the team and the development. Now let's look a little further into the future. Sumo, please tell us a little bit about your future plans. Where will we meet you as a team in the coming year? What dates are on the team's event calendar?

Sumo: We are actually planning our future in the DPL Bundesliga, we hope that it will take off again in 2023. We will definitely also play one or the other NXL event, or pay a visit to a well-organized series like the ICS Pro. Basically, we are a German paintball team that wants to play in the Bundesliga. Our focus is simply on German paintball tournaments. We really hope that the German paintball scene recovers and that more teams don't have to give up.

PBS Magazine: Sumo, thank you for your time and we wish you as a team every success for the coming season. I'm sure we'll see each other again on the sidelines 😉

Editor's note:

At this year's NXL final in France, the team was able to achieve a respectable 4th place in the SPL and thus underpin its ambitions for the 2023 season.

That was our interview with Jens Hilbrands, aka Sumo, from Team Dortmund BALLERN. We are quite sure that there will be more from the boys and also from the BALLERN brand in the future. hear. So keep your eyes open for the next tournaments and watch one of the boys' games, it's worth it.

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