JT Premise Field Paintball Mask (camo)

JT_Premise_Field_Paintball_Maske_camo JT_Premise_Field_Paintball_Maske_camo_front JT_Premise_Field_Paintball_Maske_camo_left JT_Premise_Field_Paintball_Maske_camo_right JT_Premise_Field_Paintball_Maske_camo_front JT_Premise_Field_Paintball_Maske_camo_left JT_Premise_Field_Paintball_Maske_camo_right
SKU: 6288


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Product description

The JT Premise mask has been specially developed for beginners, but due to its robustness it is also ideal for rental on playing fields.

The big advantage is that the mask uses JT Spectra glasses as standard and can therefore be easily retrofitted with all JT Spectra thermal glasses, even in the mirrored colors. This can be used to significantly upgrade the mask if desired.

Features of the JT Premise Paintball Mask:

- Quick-change system for the mask glass

- 3 different colors (very interesting for playing fields)

- JT Spectra glass (single lens)

- Can be retrofitted with all JT Spectra thermal lenses

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