The classic paintball consists of purely biodegradable materials – a gelatine shell filled with food coloring that bursts on impact and marks the player who was hit. There are many different types and quality levels. The paintball industry has developed the right paintball for almost every occasion.
Depending on the area of application, the thickness of the casing and the consistency of the filling differ. In Woodland and Scenario Paintball, the filling is somewhat thinner and more watery, whereas in Tournament Paintball a viscous and very colorful filling is used. This is because the paintball tournament can go very quickly. Very luminous and difficult to remove fillings are used here so that the marshals can keep track. These infills make it easier for referees to spot hit players, while making it harder for teams in the pit box to clean up hit players and send them clean for the next game. After a match day your clothes can be very colourful.
To avoid permanent color changes, you should remove the coarse paint residues immediately after playing and then wash your jersey and pants, either in your own washing machine on a gentle cycle, or simply pack everything up and go to the nearest laundromat. Basically, you should wash your knee and elbow pads separately. The Velcro fasteners sewn into it can leave unsightly marks on your jersey. If everything doesn't come out clean in the first wash, you can prepare a second machine.
Of course, what applies to the tournament area also applies to the woodland area. Although you'll mostly be dealing with patches of grass and dirt here. By the way, you can get First Strike filling quite easily with a damp cloth from the combat vest. Or simply brush out dry.
Hits on markers or other parts of your equipment should always be removed with a damp microfibre cloth. Under no circumstances hold the marker under running water, otherwise the electronics or other components will be affected.