HK Army KLR Paintball Mask (SLATE Black/Green)

SKU: 176


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Product description

With the KLR, HK Army is also launching a mask for the first time. This model is not only characterized by high quality and an attractive design, but it is the versatility of this mask that makes it something special. Almost all parts of the mask system can be exchanged or replaced. This allows the player to choose from an unprecedented range of different colors for their mask.

HK Army offers the mask in several basic colors, which can then be optionally provided with other mask glasses, mask straps, frames and earmuffs and enhanced in color. According to the HK, this results in over 15,000 different color combinations that are possible. The probability that you as a player will meet another player with the same mask is very low with this model. This makes the HK Army KLR paintball mask a real recommendation for style-conscious individualists in paintball sports.

Features of the HK Amry KLR Mask:

- pvt.lock system for changing lenses (fast, safe, innovative)

- EVA Ear Pices (soft earmuffs for optimal protection)

- Specially shaped mouthguard with air slits for optimal ventilation

- Hard-wearing, rubberized mask strap in HK Army design for optimal hold of the mask on the head

- Pure Lens System (8 different glasses available for different weather conditions and areas of application)

- Over 15,000 (fifteen thousand) different color combinations possible!

Product video for the HK Army KLR mask:

Product video for HK Army KLR Paintball Mask (SLATE Black/Green)


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