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Earn money with paintball tournament sport
Tuesday June 4, 2019

Its all about the money… – EARN MONEY IN PAINTBALL SPORT

In general you can say YES, it is possible . However, it must also be said very clearly that this is reserved for a few top players. Some of the best players in the US have lucrative endorsement deals with various manufacturers/brands and are also rewarded for their service as players on the field. During their active time in paintball sport, these players lead an exciting jet-set life, traveling around the world with their team to play tournaments and represent their sponsors. In the end there is also a little money left over for the boys.

Unfortunately, things are very different in Germany. Here the sport is not nearly as advanced as in the USA. Unfortunately, one looks in vain for large advertising contracts and player salaries. But that doesn't mean that you always have to pay extra in paintball! Anyone who is one of the really good paintballers in Germany and plays for one of the top teams in the Bundesliga or internationally at NXL Europe can usually organize their hobby at no cost. Here sponsors provide the equipment and paintballs required for training. In return, they expect performance and commitment from their teams. Anyone who plays paintball professionally can often say goodbye to most of their free weekends.

So-called cash cups are an alternative. These are small tournaments in which the participating teams can win material prizes and cash. In individual cases, winning a tournament can bring in a few hundred to a thousand euros. Free paint or other prizes are also possible.

If you play two or three of these tournaments successfully as a team over the year and work with reasonably good support in the background, you can make your hobby cover your costs and play paintball practically “for free”. Paintball Sports will also sponsor a number of cash game tournaments throughout the season. From now on you can find out what can be won when and where in every further issue of the Paintball Sports Magazine. We'll start with the current list on the following page.

Here you get an overview of the possible wins this season await you on the playing fields of the Republic. The pot is bulging… so log in and grab it!


We would like to give all organizers who are holding a paintball tournament with prize money in the form of cash or non-cash prizes a platform for presenting their event. A timeline of tournaments and prizes up for grabs in the coming months will be published in each issue. So if you as the organizer would like to register a tournament, then write to us at magazin@paintballsports.de and send us all the information about your tournament. Please note that we only list tournaments where the players can really go home with winnings or a plus. The prize should therefore be at least double the entry fee in terms of material or monetary value, so that the winning team can plan at least cost-neutrally with registration, paint and additional costs. Because only then can one speak of real added value for the teams.

With this campaign, we want to strengthen tournament sport and create incentives for all teams so that hard training and a successful tournament pay off in the end.

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