On the internet and in the big forums, users are already tumbling over themselves with opinions, tips and lots of rumors about the successor to the Dye M2. Allegedly, an employee of the US provider ANSGear also revealed insider knowledge during the announcements about the Dye DSR that indicates that Dye is also developing a new Dye M3 paintball marker parallel to the DSR. It could even come out this year.
What exactly the new Dye M3 can do, what it will look like, what it costs and when exactly we will see the good piece is unfortunately still in the stars. Still, it seems more or less clear that it will come. The rumors about the M3 have intensified too much in recent weeks. In addition, Dye has not officially denied any of the rumors.
The question is quite justified, and unfortunately we can only make assumptions so far. One thing is certain, if the marker is really called M3 in the end, then we can count on a further development of the M2 platform. It remains to be seen whether we will see a pure facelift model with new, slimmer milling, or whether another major development step has been taken with the M3.
The Dye DSR , which is completely new for Dye, is also interesting to consider in this context. Many features were installed here that the customer is more familiar with from Planet Eclipse markers than from Dye. Should the M3 possibly be a mixture of M2 and DSR? And if so, what might that look like?
Probably the most important date for launching new products on the market is the World Cup in Orlando, USA. The latest products for the coming season are always presented here at the end of the season. So if there really is a new Dye M3 on the way, we'll probably see it at the World Cup. The 2017 World Cup is relatively late. It is usually held in October, but this year curious players will have to wait until November before the innovations are presented.
In any case, we are excited about the new Dye M3 and will of course keep you up to date as soon as we have new information about the new high-end paintball marker from Dye .