Maxtact Cal. 68 Pepperballs (10 shot tubes)

According to the German Weapons Act, not allowed under 18 years of age.
Maxtact_Cal_68_Pepperballs_Pepper_Shot_Pfeffergeschosse_10er_roehrchen_details Maxtact_Cal_68_Pepperballs_Pepper_Shot_Pfeffergeschosse_10er_roehrchen Maxtact_Cal_68_Pepperballs_Pepper_Shot_Pfeffergeschosse_10er_roehrchen Detals_Pepperballs_Maxtact.jpg Detals_Pepperballs_Maxtact_einzelne_Kugel.jpg
SKU: 1626
ab 5 Artikel
ab 10 Artikel
ab 25 Artikel


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Product description

Maxtact Pepperballs with highly concentrated cayenne pepper extract. Irritating to eyes and mucous membranes. Ideal for animal and personal defense as well as self-defense.

Delivery quantity 10 pieces

The use of pepperballs falls under the same legal regulations as that of pepper sprays! Use against humans is strictly forbidden.

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